
64 128 64 Animal 192 0 128 Archway 0 128 192 Bicyclist 0 128 64 Bridge 128 0 0 Building 64 0 128 Car 64 0 192 CartLuggagePram 192 128 64 Child 192 192 128 Column_Pole 64 64 128 Fence 128 0 192 LaneMkgsDriv 192 0 64 LaneMkgsNonDriv 128 128 64 Misc_Text 192 0 192 MotorcycleScooter 128 64 64 OtherMoving 64 192 128 ParkingBlock 64 64 0 Pedestrian 128 64 128 Road 128 128 192 RoadShoulder 0 0 192 Sidewalk 192 128 128 SignSymbol 128 128 128 Sky 64 128 192 SUVPickupTruck 0 0 64 TrafficCone 0 64 64 TrafficLight 192 64 128 Train 128 128 0 Tree 192 128 192 Truck_Bus 64 0 64 Tunnel 192 192 0 VegetationMisc 0 0 0 Void 64 192 0 Wall

SegNet postprocess python /Segnet/Scripts/compute_bn_statistics.py /SegNet/Models/segnet_train.prototxt /SegNet/Models/Training/segnet_iter_10000.caffemodel /Segnet/Models/Inference/

SegNet + Pretrained VGG16

Iteration 10000:

Global acc = 0.85101 Class average acc = 0.46322 Mean Int over Union = 0.40203

Iteration 20000:

Global acc = 0.85167 Class average acc = 0.52274 Mean Int over Union = 0.44069

Iteration 30000:

Global acc = 0.85501 Class average acc = 0.5228 Mean Int over Union = 0.44517

SegNet modified (修正crop层,可以自动实现不同层之间的匹配)

Iteration 26000:

Global acc = 0.81241 Class average acc = 0.47571 Mean Int over Union = 0.3939 低于原有模型训练结果,或许跟参数设置有关系。

Fcn32s + Pretrained VGG16

Iteration 56000:

Global acc = 0.79462 Class average acc = 0.4331 Mean Int over Union = 0.35841

Iteration 100000:

Global acc = 0.80453 Class average acc = 0.47098 Mean Int over Union = 0.38977

Fcn16s + Pretrained Fcn32s

Iteration 100000:

Global acc = 0.81284 Class average acc = 0.4834 Mean Int over Union = 0.40864

Fcn8s + Pretrained Fcn16s 网络出现退化情况

Fcn8s + Pretrained VGG16

Iteration 56000:

Global acc = 0.70828 Class average acc = 0.36595 Mean Int over Union = 0.28398

总结: 在针对道路场景的语义分割训练中,我们主要参考了Fcn[1], SegNet[2], ENet[3],这三篇文章。其中,Fcn是最早提出来通过双线性差值upsampling的方式实现end-to-end训练,生成与原图相同尺寸的语义分割map,并采用了fine-tune方法通过加载VGG16预先训练好的权重进行局部训练。Fcn针对不同尺度的细节表现和分割平滑,从encoder中的不同层提取相应的map进行组合的方式,实现综合finer和coarser部分。SegNet提出了一种对称结构的encoder-decoder网络,encoder部分省略了Vgg16的Full connected层。而在实际训练中,我们发现相较于前者,SegNet更难收敛,但是对细节的描述更加精准。而ENet主要的工作是采用留数网络ResNet的encoder结构,能够实现更快速的inference过程(训练较慢)。对于decoder部分,认为主要就是实现对原图尺寸的还原,平滑分割边界,因而采用了较小的网络结构(可能是Fcn32s的decoder部分)。最后,我们还参考了comma.ai上提出的方法,由于decoder的作用是尺度还原和平滑边界,可以采用较小的网络结构,他们使用的是一个16x5x5核,步长2的upscaling方法。

[1] Long, Jonathan, Evan Shelhamer, and Trevor Darrell. "Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2015. [2] Vijay Badrinarayanan, Ankur Handa and Roberto Cipolla "SegNet: A Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Robust Semantic Pixel-Wise Labelling". arXiv:1505.07293
[3] Adam Paszke, Abhishek Chaurasia, Sangpil Kim, Eugenio Culurciello "ENet: A Deep Neural Network Architecture for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation". arXiv:1606.02147.